Monday, July 18, 2011

So I went to this seminar...

It was by this lady that sells Juice Plus+. I had never heard of it, but before she tried to sell the product, she brought up a lot of interesting things that I was unaware of. She had been diagnosed with diabetes and hyperglycemia when she was in her 20's I believe and after that she decided that she wanted to live a healthy life. She is now a vegetarian and takes Juice Plus+. She gave us a list called "10 Easy Steps-The Path to Health" and here they are:
1. Reverse the path to disease! Rebuild the nerve force by changing stress and strain components.
2. Detoxify the whole system; lymph, skin, lungs, bowel, kidneys, liver.
3. Eat for regeneration, introducing higher quality foods.
4. Eat close to nature, 75% + of unrefined, unfired plant based diet full of enzymes.
5. Alkalinize your system; avoid processed and refined acidic forming foods.
6. Support the body, mind, emotions and spirit with positive energy.
7. Take self-responsibility for noticing the feedback from your body.
8. Eat more fruits and vegetables in rainbow colors; whole grains, beans, raw nuts and seeds, sprouts, fresh juices, raw foods all high in fiber, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals naturally!! Drink plenty of pure water! Choose organically grown and vine-ripened food
9. Exercise, relax, sleep well, meditate, pray....stay in balance!
10. Supplement your diet with Juice Plus+ whole food nutrition.
She talked a lot on stress and how that can mess with your body and cause strain physically and mentally. She said that the more stress in your life can cause a lowered nerve force which can lead to Defective waste elimination (gross I know but important for a healthy body) and when that happens you can have toxemia. Toxemia has many symptoms like headaches, insomnia, irritability, fluid retention, inflammation, constipation, bad breath and allergies. She said when we have these symptoms we go to the doctor or the pharmacy and we take pills or have surgery which doesn't fix the problem. We have to find ways to deal with our stress.
She talked about how an animal based diet closes arteries and a plant based diet opens arteries. Diet is the only cure for heart disease and when we have a better diet our bodies are naturally healthy. A plant based diet can strengthen your immune system.
She talked briefly on the Rainbow diet but there is a book called What color is your diet? I think I might want to check that one out.
(As you'll notice, these are just snippets of what she said, thats because I'm just putting on here what I got notes on.)
She talked about how positive energy changes your life.
You should eat close to nature such as fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes. Fresh produce is the best because cooking vegetables takes the nutrients out them. Those nutrients are what make your body work to the best of its ability. She showed us a lot of books by Humbart Santillo who I think is the creater of Juice Plus+ but I can't remember.
She pointed out that we should be eating 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, I know I'm not eating that.
Our diet should consist of 20-25% of Acid forming foods and 75-80% of Alkaline forming foods. I have never heard of this before. We need to test our body PH. You can look up a list of those foods online.
The darkest and deepest leafy greens and veggies. The more pixels the better. Eat as many as you can. You can't eat too many.
So these are the notes I took on the seminar. I'm definitely looking into this further because the things she said made sense. I want to do my own research and see what gives me more energy and makes my body work better. I have also heard of eating to your blood type. People with A type blood need more fruits and veggies for energy and O type blood individuals need more protein and need to keep their energy up. That will be tough for our family because my husband is O and I am A. He craves meet and I don't. I might need to start changing our menus around.
Read more on Juice Plus+ online because it seemed to be a good product giving you your serving of fruits and veggies in 4 pills a day 2 veggies and 2 fruits. I know that I do plan on going through my cupboards and cleaning out the processed foods and fatty things we have had stored in there secretly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a vegetarian I can say eating raw is a wondeful idea! I've never heard of alkaline etc, but it does sound interesting! I don't know that I could eat 16 servings of fruits/veggies a day but to each their own. I'm also an A- blood type and just am not interested in meat, which is why I take my protein in via alternate sorces. Otherwise just like if I don't get enough carbs I feel like I'm mentally drained. I can't wait for you to share more on this! It sounds interesting!