Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First Mistake

Yesterday, I did pretty well. Then dinner hit and it all went downhill. So I guess thats what I need to work on. Breakfast was good and healthy, Kashi makes really good natural food. I recently bought their Strawberry fields cereal and its natural and healthy and most important, it tastes good.

Lunch was a tasty black bean and chicken salad. My sister gave me this idea. Canned black beans and canned chicken (or fresh chicken if that sounds better) put a little bit of taco seasoning, and I like to add some salsa verde for a little kick and more flavor. Chop some lettuce and add a little(keyword- little) shredded jack cheese. Very tasty.

Another good lunch idea is the frozen Smart Ones meals. You know exactly the portion you're eating. My favorite is the Sante Fe rice and beans and its even better over lettuce. Yummy!

Then dinner hit and with Jesus being out of town I made the mistake of making fattening pasta and that means I made enough for two and practically ate enough for two. Bad plan. So I guess thats something I need to plan on, when Jesus is out of town I need to make sure I make smaller portions and probably no pasta. A portion is only 1/2 a cup so I ate way too much. Portion control is an important key to losing weight.

So I need to work on a few things but if I put them out there I will know what my mistakes are and I can fix them.

Maybe trying to measure out a few meals I will know just how much I should eat. So thats my new goal.

1 comment:

Carla said...

I totally love the smart ones meals. I've never thought to add lettuce to the santa fe rice and beans... I did add it to a whole wheat tortilla a few times and made a good burrito though.