Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Might as well post

I was sitting here creating a 2 week menu of healthy meals and I was getting recipes off the side of my page and figured that I might as well post.
Well we are all moved into our house! November has been a rough month because my best friend moved to town and we helped her get moved in and they stayed with us a few nights so we took them to some good eatin' and that was tough to stay on track which I did not. So I am more motivated to get back to exercising this week. My kids, husband and I have all had our turns during this move to feel under the weather. Of course not eating right doesn't help that at all. So I am starting fresh with healthy meals packed with fruits and veggies and we moved into this great little neighborhood that I can run through. My block is actually a decent size and I am planning on trying to train running around it. Then hopefully brach out. Now that the weather is cool, that should help. I can't run on Tuesdays or Thursdays because Elena is home with me but Mondays and Wednesdays should be ok then on Fridays I work so I will have to try to go in the evening or go for a walk with the kids.
I discovered yesterday when I decided to pick up Patrick from his first day at his new school, he is in perfect walking distance, so Elena and I will be walking to get him from now on, depending on weather. But it was fun yesterday so I'm looking forward to it.
As I unpacked a few things yesterday, I found some clothes that are my size but a little tight, I'm hoping that by Christmas I will be at a place where they feel comfortable on me. That is my short term goal for now, after I weigh myself I will have a more definite goal and thats what I hope will keep me motivated is small short term goals. Looking at the big picture gets discouraging.

1 comment:

Carla said...

You work on Fridays? We really need to catch up. Good luck being more active- this time of the year is hard enough without moving and being sick!