Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So yesterday was better. As soon as I was able to get off the couch and take Elena to preschool, I hightailed it to Walmart and raided their produce section. I came home and marinated some chicken for salads throughout the week but that eventually became dinner. Luckily I only had one bowl of salad and then saved the rest for today. I didn't exercise but I walked around quite a bit and didn't really get a chance to sit down until the kids were in bed. Tomorrow, Elena has preschool and I plan on going for a walk and add in some jogging if my back is feeling up to it. My meals will be serving sizes and I will have 5-6 of them throughout the day to help my metabolism. I did get on the scale this morning because I will want to know my weight but I'm not going to worry about the fluctuation because I know that is normal, especially in women. I am going to measure everything today too so I know what I'm starting from and how many inches I lose.
I want to be healthy. I want to feel comfortable again in my own skin. I don't want to compare myself to those skinny gorgeous moms all around me at church. I have to be me and do it in my own time and decide every morning when I wake up that today will be a good day, even though it will be difficult to remember throughout the day, it is up to me how I feel at the end of the day. Its cooling off a little here and things are looking good for the house we are buying. Its in a beautiful quiet neighborhood that would be great for walks and jogging through when the kids are at school.
Thank you all you beautiful wonderful friends that have commented and encouraged me. Your support means so much.

1 comment:

Carla said...

You shouldn't compare yourself to those skinny moms at church (I do it too, though- it's so hard not to). BUT, you are beautiful, fun, funny, and a sweet friend. People want to be around you because you're down to earth and fun.

If positive self-talk doesn't work, just think of how many of them have had plastic surgery or spend so much time worrying about their figure that they ignore their kids and don't have any fun with their husbands. ;)