Wednesday, April 17, 2013


How many times do I post that I'm starting over again? Well guess what? I'm starting over again. Yes. I have great support in my very own home this time though. Thats right, my husband is doing it with me.  My friend Nathalie and I are working together and supporting and checking on each other as well. She just had a baby so she has a great excuse. I have none. I'm just fat and lazy.
Nathalie and I have signed up for a race next month with my bestie Amber. I'm so stinking scared. I've started running. I started last week and this week I can run a mile and a half. I'm trying to run 3 days a week and doing XBox Zumba the other two days. I am counting my calories and I've discovered that I had set my calorie limit way too low. Now that its fixed I've started to lose weight. Very exciting. I'm taking this one a day at a time. I keep looking at the big picture and getting overwhelmed and losing my faith in myself. This time I am only worrying about how I do that day. If I make a mistake I know that I can do a better job the next day. I want to be healthy and I want to feel better about myself and know that I can't blame how I treated my body if something goes wrong.


Ashley C said...

I know how you feel. I've started over a million times. But the important thing is that you keep trying. One of these days we will succeed. :)

Mrs. Schmalison said...

We will.