Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bad week

This really has been a bad week. I mean bad. I haven't done any exercise. I've been snacking like the world is ending. If I don't get up tomorrow morning and at least go for a walk/run then I'm going to lull into an exercising depression. I hate those because its so hard to come out of. My kids just will not sleep through the night lately and makes me so tired in the morning. I really need to push through this. I need to stop eating bad. I almost need to plan out what I'm going to eat through out the day in advance, maybe that would help. I haven't weighed myself since I started running again and I'm glad about it this week because I'm sure it would tear me down. I have to push tomorrow. No matter what.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Good luck, Alison! I know that you can do it, but if you don't, don't beat yourself up.