Monday, May 4, 2009


After staring in the mirror I came to a conclusion, I want to be healthy. It just so happens that I am overweight and I am dedicating this blog to the road to my transformation. My heaviest weight, not being pregnant, is 217. Not good. I am currently at 181 which is a weight I havent seen since 2004. I am not proud of posting this weight but its a reality that I am facing.

I am on track but the point is to stay on track. I am a busy wife and mother and making sure I live healthy is difficult when its easier to just stop at a fast food place to grab a quick bite to eat on the way to my next errand.

I will post recipes and exercise tips that work for me. We all know the way to healthy weight loss and it shouldnt come in a pill bottle. Sure a pill might get you to lose weight but it doesnt teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off.

So visit here for tips and ideas and hopefully my progress will inspire someone.

Now go have a glass of water!!


Ashley C said...

Hey there! I'm glad my blog inspired you. :) Losing weight is the best feeling. Yay! I will be following along in your journey.

P.S. I miss Bakersfield.

KillmerFam said...

Good luck on your journeys! I'm trying to exercise more and eat healthier also, so I'll be checking in, too! I guess we can't make you anymore cupcake cakes for your birthday, eh? :o) One thing I've found is drinking a glass of milk will fill you up faster. Sometimes that's what I have for breakfast. I'm not big on breakfast anyway, so that helps me. I also try to do some sort of exercise after the kids go to bed. It works for me. Anyway, I'll be routing for ya!

Dawnelle Anderson said...

Great idea, good luck, I need to loose the baby fat

Tenille Gates said...

Atta girl ♥..I definitely need to ditch my bad habits and become healthier as well..for sure!What a good idea to blog your progress! p.s.the template looks fabulous ;0)

Carla said...

Awesome! Maybe I'll actually keep up with it this time and we'll both be hotties.