Monday, January 2, 2012

Another update!

Ok, I have been trying to work out 5 days a week, 6 if I can. Last week was rough because it was after Christmas and before new years and both of my kids had to go to urgent care. I did however get in 4 days last week. I am back up to running 30 minutes straight and walking 5 minutes, except today I walked 10 and ran 30 with a 5 minute cool down. My goal is to burn as close to 300 calories a day as I can so that one of my meals is obsolete. And guess what I got for Christmas?!!!A Jack Lallane juicer!!! I was on THIS site the other day and I was reading how green juicing is becoming very popular. But the reason its becoming popular is because its good for you. Your basically just drinking your fruits and vegetables without cooking them so you are losing the nutrients that you need. So raw fruits and veggies every day. I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to look for one on craigslist and Christmas morning I opened up a brand new one!!
We have been juicing for 6 days now. We are replacing breakfast with green juice. So far we have made up our own recipes which have been pretty good, but there are recipes online. We were thinking about getting a book too.
So lets get down to it, we bought a scale. I know. Why on earth haven't we had a scale before? Well this is a weight watchers endorsed one. I wanted one that I knew would be closer to my weight rather than the cheapo ones that you can buy that change your weight every 10 minutes. So the last time I was weighed was the weekend before we moved to Texas and that was on the first. I weighed 206. Scary, I know. So last week on Wednesday morning I weighed myself and I am down 3lbs. So now I am at 203. Its a start. I am going to weigh myself every week on Wednesday. I think weighing myself on Mondays might be bad since weekends are rough with all the eating I do and not as much exercise other than cleaning and walking around. So for my weight tracker on the side I am thinking I will start over so I am not looking at the past and instead I am focusing on the future. 2012 will be my year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't know you had a health blog! I have one too! Also, glad you posted about the juicer because I am looking for one. You look amazing!