Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting my run on

I am finally up to 3.17 miles and it feels good. The heat is making it hard to run so this week has been a tough one with only one running day so far but it will be cooling down and I will be hitting the streets again. Wanna join me?


Ashley C said...

That's awesome! Running is hard, huh? Especially in heat! I always wait until the sun goes down here, but I remember in Bakersfield it was still really hot even late and night. Yikes. Keep up the awesome-ness!

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Actually its probably cooler here in the morning because the sun has been down for so long. Thats usually when I go, right as the sun is peeking over the mountains. This morning I went and it was nice and cool.

Matti said...

Wow!! Looks like you are doing great! Already down in the 150's... go you! That is awesome!