Saturday, March 19, 2011


I've been a little scared to get back to this blog lately. Mostly because I am depressed and disappointed in myself, because after all my hard work last summer, I am sure I have gained back all the weight, and I can barely run a full mile without wanting to drop dead. I eat non stop and I hate myself all the time because of it. I'm ashamed that I let all that hard work go right down the crapper. I'm too afraid to get back on a scale. I have no time to exercise. Even though I don't really buy fattening foods I eat everything I see. I got rid of all my fat clothes so now I have nothing to wear. When I finally get the guts to get back on a scale and post it maybe that will finally be me breaking through this barrier and my start back to a healthier me. Till then.....


Carla said...

Don't feel bad, I normally eat everything I see too. I've attended a lot of parties lately and it has been a STRUGGLE not to eat all the desserts.

Don't be disappointed in yourself-everyone has periods where they fall off the horse. And btw, you still looked HOT the last few times I saw you.

Ashley C said...

I'm sorry Alison. It's such a constant struggle. I hope you get back into your groove soon. I'm struggling right now too. My motivation goes up and down constantly.