Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ok so I have been pretty good, I'm down 5 lbs as of last week. My weigh in is tomorrow. I'm telling you its all about how much you eat and what it is you're eating.  I have the perfect motivation too. MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!! I'm so excited for her! I don't want to be the fatty at the reception and in any family pictures so since I know I have to wear a dress I want to lose as much weight as I can. I have 2 1/2 months. I'm hoping to be down at least 30 lbs. I am eating less carbs (except for that cinnamon roll I ate for lunch) everything else is fruit veggies and occasionally chicken or turkey. I love filling up on fruits and veggies, I feel much healthier. My breakfast consists of a Juice Plus shake with frozen fruit or berries and a little almond milk and regular low fat milk. I love how long it keeps me filled. Zumba has been really kicking my butt and I'm hoping to go running and do Zumba together and add weights. I think I can accomplish this goal if I just stick to this plan.

1 comment:

Carla said...

You can TOTALLY do it. And hooray for Sara. Whoever he is- he is a very lucky guy!